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Gregg K. Jann, Jann Demystifying Affects consults individuals and organizations in mental health challenges. JannDA also consults with business management and providing mental heath services. We educate teachers, students, paraprofessionals, also patients in doctors offices. Psychology, Constitutional Law Book Published, author of multiple poly sci books.

Original Case Study - "Participatory Management". Knowledge Kept, Paper was stolen

A term paper I wrote first in Chico State titled "Participatory Management" was facilitating work & investment. It could even be mass society in my opinion. Gregg already did in real life: "acknowledgment counseling", i.e. disease naming. Internet, & IP recovery to reach me? P.M. in Counseling by saying "we" to Residents in job coaching. Reconciling Methodist Founding on/off site of CCUM. Elected Board Member for non-violence and emotional well-being goal for "Teach Peace". MHSA CA '04 source design in advocacy inside CA bureaucracy. Free Will Original achievements.

Invest in Me from Gregg Jann

In debt for Good, it seems a condition necessary that can be paid off if potential reaches a climax. The work arrives in form of Promotion. This type of thing originall seems unreasonable, even if unholy to the box type of standard rules of finance of the norm that are taught. But if this works, and why my business has credit, I invest for the future which is now. I can climb out of my hole helping each other reach a pinnacle! The message is hopeful.

The way is on surviving and building Trust for a more Authentic Dignity for Truth Seeker!

Putting Yourself in World Events as Impactful

Observing the world scene can be like a crasher at a social gathering. Either the attendee blends into the cocktail party, or he is forceful or more loved in effectively changing the course of the events.

What happens to circumstance when requisite in tending to the world affairs, one is drawn into the fray like a political/financial candidate who'd done good for past deed as a squaker? We need some caring person, in strength for PEACE. Compared to this reform need of the structured, ignorant, institutional, or corrupt type for teeming metropolis's with mind too.

Gregg Jann's First Real True story at Chico Fall '82

"I got shot at by riflemen when I was seriously sick, the 1st week in school at Chico St. I rode my bicycle too far up a mountain to a shooting range. No way could I have ridden a bicycle THAT high up a mountain, but guided like a missile. These hunters took two shots at me when I was on a ledge. Soon I hid laying, they reconnoitered. I returned same way too fast, past the dorm lawn with sprinklers which could of wrecked my knee. I stopped below the bar stable at the bicycle pasture. Crushed bikes softened my blow like crushing aluminum cans intentional. Gregg just scratched."

Cheerio Great Britain, All Classmates! from Cal Northern School of Law

"I'm thinking of my place in history, and money owed me. The mental health psychology is my own. Plus, I seem a PhD in Business or a psychology field nicer. GRADUATE STATUS was all 2nd-BA SSU rosters, BS Chico St. I since completed many projects including the MHSA with the professor opinions. I write non-fiction, plus create great law. I should be a University Lecturer in Social Sciences topic of Caring in Human Competition.

Stealing the Sources happened to me immorally with 1-types dominance to take from Gregg Jann the most. (read more)"

Going Through School Can Win for Me & You

One surprising method for IP wanted cash & Property, is Business Educator/students supporting on new principle Professors in classes I also took. Not sworn to me, but who? I can be justified more pay like raking me over a "dungeon" by Federalist/Republicans. B.E. can testify I talked out loud in classes, studied MIS, & I am creative. Now these BE can read my books including #5 re-edited, and try to bring more than non-payments to Gregg Jann as A Internet Inventor, MHSA Founder, & 1+ more professional degree for Kaiser HMO owner/MH Director/health care new Commentator.

Friends Lose over B-Word - I'm so sorry to her. "Your Lying Eyes"

Blog topics: 

"I'm sorry to a stranger lady I had feelings over, and still have them, when I was trying to be a Man and a Person by my Rookie language and Vanity. I said previous entry, below the "read more" as a message meant boastful, vaguely "bitch." I was hurt at ending, that she couldn't even write back on a due account with a smart offer from me to her and her company for related business. I was wise like a Chico Grad starting as friends, to contact like a sorority type friend and love like a Reconciling Methodist
Founder. I made them else a liar. (read more.)

Finished My Book with a Sore Pinky for a Thumb

Blog topics: 

I re-edited my finished book, that was released prior on January 21, 2022. It's titled "Unrewarded, Unrecognized Consultant Improved the World and USA" by Gregg K. Jann. It documents non-fiction what men have done by ripping off my mind matter, placing my own thought processes that I expressed in my own independent journey. I try to be an Idea Man for my own Presidential Administration worth my career creating income/credit worth supposedly billionaire of a history-making entrepreneur. Thus stolen by Capitalists perhaps of religious stripe.

(I meant Life, business too)Partner really Adds to What I Want

I only wrote to a Lady who I like the resume of. No Resumes from the public. I'm not unprofessional, this is meant to be educational not leering in. She has no cheap resume, and seems qualified. I need her to help me, in business IP credit worth money to with other sponsoring agencies who don't have love for origin. I use a letter approach to "Me", and may have to stop for her popularity. Its not pc to write more than 5 emails and want a response as cold calling sales. I hope not imaginary partner in the end. I really give women a lot of work. I determine this Lady is hard to Find.
