Gregg K. Jann, Jann Demystifying Affects consults individuals and organizations in mental health challenges. JannDA also consults with business management and providing mental heath services. We educate teachers, students, paraprofessionals, also patients in doctors offices. Psychology, Constitutional Law Book Published, author of multiple poly sci books.
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Thu, 2022-01-13 20:57
" Gregg Jann used online business to try find payback. G. Jann assisted and in turn gave Gregg K. Jann a Sacramento platform to set things right from GKJ himself on Gregg's own time away with his talent in history-making. Prop 63 CA '04 is part of his Legacy. We'll see if these planners in Sacramento, & wherever they are now; finally pay Gregg J. with income & credit to him, as the Source Perspective Designer & Genesis Founder of MHSA. He has not received it. Plus Gregg Jann is not in"
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Sun, 2022-01-09 05:50
Sister helped to direct me, in work flow of a home Make Over in troubling scenarios of my Homelessness Threats. A minor insect bug infestation was not attended to by me. My formerly messy apartment made way for special resources in helpful hands over 6 clock days. Sister worked the hardest Deep Cleaning. She led replacement new color for Area Rugs and new Bedding, and bought few furniture. I was interior designer originally, selecting & placing every piece of rugs, furniture and paintings. She re-organized pics, books, paperwork, clothing; leading the tossing what was needed.
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Sat, 2022-01-01 12:10
An asked for woman by me, did unrequested "Figure 8" hand maneuvers on my penis in a known "closet." I ran to her, and mistook her, unknown who she was. I hoped she would do favors of money, wisdom and sense for me like a girlfriend. Designed by Mr. G. Jann to feel end FTV..
This was the very morning of the posting of my new, official pic on a famous book seller under Gregg K. Jann, now finished editing of my biographical sketch. Asking for meaningful connection online gets you toward what you want. A great thing happened, within an hour!
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Sat, 2021-12-25 07:47
On my author biography I look for love, and you are the first woman I ask this question - a thorny one for me. Call me or email if you know me, even slightly or from a long time ago or work where I love you. Not a women would answer him first, but a lady too unwelcome in a situation for co-work toward a man alone who conquered alot for the world with nothing but "himself." (read more)
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Sat, 2021-12-04 08:49
"School shootings or anytime we read or hear of mass shootings, it tears me apart. I used to depress my whole composure during my school board era researching on-campus violence throughout the USA, in part to justify my 2005 Character Ed school board goal at PIner-Olivet USD in Santa Rosa, CA.
Put it on state Constitutions. Federal is blocked by E.R.A. Pay Gregg K. Jann - the author/consultant.
Jann renamed his goal "Teach Peace' + 2", and "Truth to Origin Amendment". He has copyrights for Gregg's Goal in Bettering the World, A Jann Plan, and Truth to Origin"
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Fri, 2021-11-19 15:22
Advertising contracts are special for businessmen. Won with money, a matter is media interaction that can prove one's "HUMANITY" status for the Liaisons who are communicating; stability & happy required, pressure?
It takes ethical regard, Ad duties are exempt ability, and honest claims required--even or especially non-fiction books. Legal complex opinion by Gregg Jann for MH, wordsmith, soft engineering, & invention descriptions.
"A Jann Plan" contracted to display at LA Times Festival of Books, on April 22-23, 2022, at USC. Gregg K. Jann not attending.
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Thu, 2021-11-04 02:25
"Wrote a comment below Alignable Learns article, on financing a small business - said its good the article included micro-entrepreneurs by a few thousand dollars options. I added my Seasonal work at a Department store EOY for ready cash flow. Working nonexempt again assists social and nice clothes. Plus the great People Skills training that help a mental health co. Perhaps this Department Store stole a heirloom secret book from my mother, the Alice Hartwell Jann Family. We may be decedents from Thomas Jefferson, and how he ran WH & Monticello; If so my consulting fee. Gregg Jann"
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Mon, 2021-10-18 08:37
As I go off to deeply meditate for Reverence in another state in my family, I also received an email from a friend who has had recent luck in his professional writing career. I had the chance to get some details of life of his family that fills my soul with personality.
Told him Success of our fellow "Knad" was appointed Judge, and my new book's commentary on World Economy. I wondered espionage/spying briefly, in book too. Not usually preachy in my email- Respect Privacy, not to remember what we didn't appreciate of us, or any spats, or exploit weaknesses of our starting out.
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Wed, 2021-10-06 13:32
It is much better to say good things to add to another person. It means you are generous on the caring level. It is good karma. To adults the business person means good reputation; possibly win-win in money or community standing. Recommendations may help getting in to college or Grad school in scholarships.
Get in the habit. A word or phrase that is honest to a person or company means it and post it. These praises help my recovery. 1) Doc didn't know I worked when I told him ago. What happens in Sacramento funding for me?
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Wed, 2021-09-15 00:32
I'm opposed to Recall elections, ever since I was an elected school official. I need to put forth my name for too much I lost: 1) Get paid millions of dollars for Constitution writing of the MHSA CA '04, opposite Prop 13 cuts. I innovate Mental & health.
Without running, "Gregg Jann" for 2) Democrat businessman 3) I wanted to exercise my full voting rights. 4) my "Teach Peace" NO NEW TAXES 5) I made as much California/USA history as anyone. and 6) Gregg is THE story who designed M. health care, & funded it- "for the least liked in the newspaper."