Gregg K. Jann, Jann Demystifying Affects consults individuals and organizations in mental health challenges. JannDA also consults with business management and providing mental heath services. We educate teachers, students, paraprofessionals, also patients in doctors offices. Psychology, Constitutional Law Book Published, author of multiple poly sci books.
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Fri, 2022-06-17 16:54
Medicine/Chemical test subjects are not informed. There are few 100,000's of these. Provide informed consent with better, quality communication. "For the Vatican" types intentionally use me & others especially Christians, economically, medically, socially. And in Washington, DC. As Gregg K. Jann is unknown internet inventor. Get us good people paid like owners as a employee or business to begin with. With credit and income to Jann Demystifying Affects(TM), health care business license company for reporting this from information I heard and "standing on my own 2 feet." {more}
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Thu, 2022-06-09 14:48
Sex is Private, and Confidential is foremost with a partner. I remember asking my brother for help to get introduced to women when I was in 1st Grade. I rarely got one-on- one recognition from women through college and nearly not so in life later. Only Abrupt in exploring on each us 2 parties, me to see if my partial blindness would "wear off" from chemical persecution from childhood. The other req. is location like your own bedroom. I 've only done it in "work most competence" sites: office sex rules happenings.
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Sun, 2022-05-29 04:28
On 2nd Thought, saying the Housekeeper will come soon & my place will be clean after your work may NOT be the best come-on for a working young woman who is smart, wise and kinder. I want a great Lady, for intelligence and beauty-morally & pretty. My style overall is not active and general directive in wording. I appear greying, handsome, wide around the waist, doing good care, hard commentator, author as occupation. I can't cover ordinary expenses. Lady help to correct my credit deficit for history-making/income non-fiction claims.-
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Fri, 2022-05-13 12:40
Managed a Quarterback controversy as G.M. Intra-mural flag football dorm team, trying to be fair. I declared in job interview this was real leadership, and that I studied Leadership in reading on my won time away from Management book. Management Science was Upper Division statistics, weird-math modeling, & MIS within business structure, to go along with Decision Support Systems of BS Bus Admin. I added wisdom of Psychology during/afterward.-plus the Maslow Grad certificate on Needs from a business angle. I use this on DSS with for people I "reasonably rely" on for input.
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Tue, 2022-05-03 18:52
"First definitions of Legacy in English is property and money inherited. Women take Legacy to mean "Rights and Opportunities", and these enjoyed today were handed down of the early suffragists and feminists." Even Russia has a word meaning Legacy, "наследство."
"Self Made Creator I am. Legacy in Gregg Jann's life meant I made history from guts, emotion, tactics & intellectual prowess. World is wrong if Legacy achieved is forced poverty for success. Not a dumb wonder about business, bureaucrats, and the Mental Health System in Calif."
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Sat, 2022-04-16 05:29
"Mr. Jann learned to NOT be a task master, determined to be hard on people while supervising too closely their workers. Soon after I worked as employee/manager, DR seemed to rate me inept from observing tasks in retail. Unknown to these raters I was self-directed, a Leader, and Manager: KINDLY. As Rehab Counselor & pre-Voc Coordinator, I coached more hands-on disabled persons. I don't know if over-talking suppressed ME & Residents. I began my Executive Style when very young as I detected my healthy family were too many people in the kitchen. I decided to stay out of the way."
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Tue, 2022-03-29 10:16
"It is times we are in when I as Human Rights Designer, need to finally be known+paid money. Human Rights advocates seem to be "True Believers," who are defined anonymous. Human Rights for USA Policy were opposed by US President Reagan. Pay Gregg Jann, as he created inside USA Human Rights as the Designer- each accomplishment his own talent. Each CSN MH Consumer employees labor rights as Lead Negotiator SEIU, MHSA CA '04 with Yoder/Shaw, Reconciling churches, Non-violence emotion skill on CA school board renaming this "Teach Peace"/"Truth to Origin" while authoring 5 books."
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Tue, 2022-03-08 06:22
When you are basically a good guy, you may need to assert a better reputation than you thought you had to. Do yo have to fight it out? Think back when you needed a good word in the past to get a promotion to management. Or it was hard to get a driver for a surgery performed. This takes soul searching on your weakness for friendship & few or no recommendations too. Fight the moron rep & injustice as twice the college graduate by asserting your B-schools as I should, by my courage and history-achieved by calling attention to my strong will and evidence I found for proof.
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Mon, 2022-02-21 15:33
Risks and Rewards. Sometimes just dishonesty, making trouble. Genuine opportunity is mitigated by market research, paid by owner, buffered by a cushion of investments that are willing to be $ lost in business life. If not afforded these chances, try for labor/sweat equity. An artist or writer needs a donor/funder. Some try control like a slave owner if not profiteering enough. What's a proverbial poor writer to do, for a first best opportunity known to him. Does he act like a disabled man--destroyed by religion, some occupation interest, & lack of care ALL by them others.
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Sat, 2022-01-29 21:47
Attending church needs to be real and sincere. This makes the Sanctuary a place to look bright. In Christian Joys and Concerns, I was a person who cares by saying, "I applied for 3 book awards for my latest, most recently published book. Its my own Business license I can use for Social Commentary, where I do 'journal-ling' through personal adversity. Social Commentary about movement is what I also did on election boards, and in writing editorials, and for Jannda,com. Its what I did to recover and advocate amid SMI and loss of property. You helped my recovery on my terms.