Gregg K. Jann, Jann Demystifying Affects consults individuals and organizations in mental health challenges. JannDA also consults with business management and providing mental heath services. We educate teachers, students, paraprofessionals, also patients in doctors offices. Psychology, Constitutional Law Book Published, author of multiple poly sci books.
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Mon, 2021-09-13 09:10
"No man is an Island to himself," may be true. However a creative type person can prosper in idea creation by thriving in a void or vacuum so to speak of inputs like I have basically tried to do. By limiting my television viewing to sports, and no commercials for very little influences of popular culture, I treated quiet clients in the Group Homes where I was a paid counselor for over 10 years. No women really conversed with me in my younger days in getting my education. In Writing, Going where no man has gone before!! (read more)
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Sat, 2021-09-11 09:33
NO, a dedicated "creative type." To look up the same content online to read if anything new changes inside him. Writing about psychology HX varying like news.. More repetitive these memory reaches, and more exacting than assumed. Getting the story straight is a study of court significance if ever to be in a trial. Adding ideas that come to mind and keeping sentence structure more in place is a good editor. He grows our intelligence with a tapestry woven together. His quality of inner teeming metropolis of mental clarity, he shows himself in authoring a complex life path.
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Tue, 2021-08-31 10:01
My reform cause was codified Consumer worker Rights in contract form for us, mainly Group Home counselors who unionized. I was appointed Lead Negotiator for my experience as public school elected official. Contract neg. took 2 years. Management screamed at-, derided-, strangled-and "women raped" Gregg J- by pretty line women who I couldn't see in their part.
I designed the process for resulting win. We did not get a raise in pay much. Go figure. After, I felt sad and lifeless for working DT combined with other jobs, nursing a hidden emo event OTJ masking more disability.
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Mon, 2021-08-16 14:47
"Mental Health Education and Coaching: about public policy successes, intellectual property holdings, and some independent living skills for clients. is fighting for receiving credit and income in leading ways in patented form. From examples in action, Jann Demystifying Affects can lead you to make a difference in yourself and the world around you!! Jann Demystifying Affects work is to 'Care with Ethics.' read world wide." ---- Story here & upcoming non-fiction book "Unrewarded, Unrecognized Consultant Improved the World and USA" by Gregg Jann.
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Fri, 2021-07-30 22:18
The Big Mainstream is often flawed by choosing to not understand mental health issues in people. Women, most workers like to drop their loving ways into a statue of "no care" when the seemingly Vulnerable persons are in front of everyone gaining attention. Simone Biles and Britney Speers 1) holding onto mental H. adjustments, or 2) fighting the systems that are questionable in treatments, may occur to USA MH Peers in ways. Jann is OK influencing. Yet was spurned when as former supervisor, paid too low, ignored in his success, and couldn't afford a women life partner the whole time.
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Mon, 2021-07-19 12:13
The Small Business Administration is reconvening the Council on Under Served Communities. Biden-Harris Administration will help support the SBA in strengthening and improving its strategies to start and grow businesses. This among women, veterans, minority-owned businesses and/or businesses from low-to-moderate income or rural communities.
In my opinion and assayed needs, include disabled even MH consumer run. Create coaching for own Good Idea on Social Security Disability Insurance to grow from with guarantee. Permit SBOs to keep Medi/Medi,entitlements
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Wed, 2021-07-07 06:29
Found I'm different, as "Conditionally Accepted" into a Graduate School for a Masters of Science Degree which makes me feel smart if not yet decision point to enroll. Compared to my 2 undergrad colleges' BS/BA degrees GPA suffering schizophrenia near 0 recovery long ago; seems professional life experience for Mental Health & Wellness Masters. I interviewed 2 online Christian Universities the next morning after late night surprise applications. A woman guided me to go over application blanks. Rusty and excited I even got the signatures on the transcripts requests filled in wrong.
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Sat, 2021-06-19 23:46
Last Thursday it was remarkable to someone that China launched a Rocket to space to build a station in orbit, to join US and Russia in the space race. It had been 5 years since China used humans as astronauts. We had objected to International Space Station cooperation with China for China's secrecy and military connection to their space program.
Secrecy & Military Connections, any Piracy in space or navy laws need to be countered by Reconciling Christianity in for open, spirit filled faith as the official religion of outer space worth acceptance.
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Mon, 2021-06-14 04:35
I had a huge need/desire for a picture and reality to see the face of a woman crush, a lover, a FLOOD in my mind that I held on for dear life for a 10 year stretch of my lifetime. Never got the pic, for not being close enough to ask and I found she was body doubles.
Loved the Proofs of reforming systems, history and people that we struggled for in this era of my leadership. Gregg was dependent on my relationship-hold rating for jobs. The solo life plan I tried didn't get me promoted. Generally, Facebook ended the crush format of my Limerence style of love/infatuation.
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Sun, 2021-05-23 04:25
Twins Studies were brought to my attention when Chair of the Sonoma County MHB, in my popular thinking as one having mental illness compared to a controlled group not, i.e. or as for taking medicine.
In "Truth to Origin" by Gregg K. Jann, I wrote an essay on being inundated with body double-ism. Recently I conclude these undetected "twins" have been intentionally keeping me from finding a wife. Germany psychiatry? Opposed to Eiyou in using my imagination to problem solve? From asking work for money raises, also family sources $/assist for traditional dating I need.