August 2015
Error message
Warning: ini_set(): Session save handler "user" cannot be set by ini_set() in include_once() (line 144 of /home1/janngreg/public_html/sites/default/settings.php).
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Tue, 2015-08-25 15:28
Not only am I innocent, I don't ask others to do trouble proven by me never being charged with conspiracy in challenging times of forming a union at work. What is going on with my beloved trees and the people of the first occupation I ever liked to Mother? Mental health works evil, not the demur Protestant Saint I am if I influenced Russian to be smaller with its people bigger in spirituality.
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Tue, 2015-08-18 13:27
Blocking someone's opportunity socially and economically is a muddy field meant for an embarrassment of riches in caring with no harm intended. In politics it takes strategy for gate keeping to prevent friends from forcing you out of the political arena.
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Wed, 2015-08-05 14:05
If Congress does not act on a previous spending limitation, Social Security for disabled people will be cut 19%. Draconian reductions threaten current substandard living. They aren't right for potentially hurting our most vulnerable in civil and human rights. The rate is not extravagance for despairing people. Rare trips and cars are not government issue.