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Taking the Car In, for Today it Proves It Needed Repair

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My car needs repair, not too old but looked abandoned. I wonder about a bunch of conversation to Organization I never used to do. Confidentiality is one the way of Main Street, and is required of medicine and my license I wasn't to talk or do too wrongful and appreciate difference of opinion more than a Republican. Economic Contractors of legal type do want oral competency at their hiring. Retail is done to unknown, often. I am late to arrive socially, if ever, which is one MH type of Recovery and my own plan for Hope for myself.

Think of Plus' that are Hard Won and to Us Keep Fighting for

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Positive Psychology is like mood uplifters and uplighting spirit, words, themes to daily grind and feelings. An actual life in not guilt, which does behoove you, for impacting others in minor transgressions forgiven as we interact together is great, Christian and is wanted. In lieu of battles for needs I have, which I am so sorry for not having a relationship for sex right now, is to go on Accomplishments basis spiritually. I find interweaving by a female author on Kindness, Parenting and Meaning. In the Front section of Movie Central Magazine, August 2024.

Hurt can be unknown Treatment or is Vacuum with/out You

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Trying to NEVER change another is wrong to do, NOT especially if one does not. I want to change the Deep South & the people of God's Will, to more Christian do this with bearing into emotional caring. Just lowering morals is easy, if implementing pretty women, and not what I mean. Adding to a Man's good character is wanted. I do know who is moral and an unrecognized hero, and it was always me, Gregg. Advertising is bad in a union signing struggle, when Gregg was formerly elected and trying to make a Virgin movie, plus Prop 63 source designer all because of my own discussions.

Your Doctor Didn't Say...

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DR. didn't say, "Get out there.." to find a friend, to make One, for his own humanity. Who is treated best in the Mental Health System? It's a Wrong, when addicts & law breakers are treated better than a Free Man, and he works, manages, counsels and writes in society and runs elected while setting up Maslow Acceptances. How opposed-to-progress are women & Kaiser HMO, who treat with sex each jail convict better than an independent former elected official & educated Leader/Human I am.- I am the best creator of AGAPE, not sacrificial type but love style surely.

I Love in My Heart Someone or Two, Individually

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A counselor said important feedback to me, "You made history without saying a word."

I sang "Joy" as a Methodist hymn which I asked for as a commission I took on myself. It stems from advent candle lighting ceremony a decade or two ago, with my niece and my mother. I asked only 2 women who I did not really know that I wanted this song sung, which I didn't know if ever written. One woman was a banker not touched by me yet ever as a 2nd. First time Lady took me on HUD inspection day was unknown to me too. She was A Queen of my Bed.

Home Inspections Coming Due

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I was in dire need last year, not only in finances. I reacted well. I always have a good will to act with Good Faith and have Sound Judgement. I learned to pay rent with Cashiers Check or Money Order, instead of use Checks to wait to clear the bank. I had to file for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Plus I needed a woman Reputation Proof for Straight Hetero for Reconciling Methodist Founder and also of me for Character Ed Man as policy maker. Over the year I was leader of my own Transpiration Psychology for my Business History & my Person Complexity improvement.

Fundraising through Chemical Testing the Epitome of Evil Hearts of Baseball and Religion Made Uplifting Through Positive Psychology-Goes to Christianity as Lamb Each and Every Time

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1)"It's now NOT known as an issue for the Doctors to treat my Life Goals in Success with punishment of someone Christian. I am most LOVE in California policy. I'm caring for YOU, and a good Christian who goes to church often and Bible Study when I can feeling well in demeanor. I more than helped significantly to cure the Schizophrenia as Med/Chemical Tester as forced for Talent Discrimination for Speech maker in a ban. Truing to Schizo-Affective with more mood, this inside of ME like myself and is the important work. {read more}

Sonoma County Gay Pride Event is Methodist Supported

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"June Gay Pride celebrations happen for gay & lesbian, plus rights throughout the world and US. I helped this through my Christ Church UM as a straight hetero, lifetime sex abstinent. I changed one day recently noted here to try more social strata. I understand sex/violence workplaces in my past, had fun. Gay Pride as a Party below my apartment in the Square is remarkable. Un-Suppressed, zany behavior in San Francisco in 1970s were demonstrated. Reconciling Methodist is "Accept Yourself and Understand Others" as per Truth to Origin by Gregg Jann book trailer on YouTube."

Getting Laid 1st Time Ever Felt-Sex is to be Made Legal

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Within 2 Months Ago, My first immediately known sex act in real feeling inside a body part, vagina and penis inside felt with cum release is a great feeling burning true man afterward too. Is there more to MANHOOD from the underground for a woman only wanted lover for me? I explained to HER on the spot that I wanted to be special for screen play from my short story seeming to be "The 40 Year Old Virgin" and abstaining from sex . This period was without stretching time for 5 years since working Macy's with a lady. {read more}.

Should I Be Not All Uplifting About MH Consumers?

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MAYBE for Balance, I should not be always positive in my Mental health advocacy to blanket praise everybody in the mental health consumer movement. I always did the uplifting view, but this is distorted to the hard nosed criminal justice and forensic fields where most clients come from; including substances abuse and domestic violence. I am from Nicer in life with 2 University degrees. I am used like a worker for design and de-stigma in my business not yet credited so far, as only professional licensed in TM not "MFT". I Fought for a fresh start in others, without my won income.
