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Applying for Upgrade in Business Stature

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Going into the Business Bank applying for a Business Line of Credit is a choice act. A defining moment of a businessman-and this a past due testament since credit cards, etc from business American Express can hinge on regular work management salary and not on "in-between jobs" for professionally inclined work.

On an afternoon fixing a few banking errors like double charging rent in correcting after a blitzkrieg of wise investments is troubling. I did already lay bare of food, etc. for glamour - this on the 7th day of the month-for HUMAN Growth necessity.

Good Town, Bad Town

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Stolen Decorations put a bad tint on everything. 2 Straight years put me off permanently due to social work punishment anticipated due to carelessness. Assassins from credit card collectors don't bode well either. But today I got a better than the foreclosure notice earlier on a lunch bill, on a debt with a smaller bill that is doable. I wisely ran it up for INVESTMENT ON FINANCING ON MY WON TALENT. Among Nice imagery toward one woman, I hope she doesn't stop for a word I gave to my doctor and got warning from her far away boss.

Human Rights Designer - Gregg Jann is one great Human Rights Adjuster

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"It is times we are in when I as Human Rights Designer, need to finally be known+paid money. Human Rights advocates seem to be "True Believers," who are defined anonymous. Human Rights for USA Policy were opposed by US President Reagan. Pay Gregg Jann, as he created inside USA Human Rights as the Designer- each accomplishment his own talent. Each CSN MH Consumer employees labor rights as Lead Negotiator SEIU, MHSA CA '04 with Yoder/Shaw, Reconciling churches, Non-violence emotion skill on CA school board renaming this "Teach Peace"/"Truth to Origin" while authoring 5 books."

Email Contact of Sacramento Today Using Zoom-Info for Meetings in Person

Blog topics: 

" Gregg Jann used online business to try find payback. G. Jann assisted and in turn gave Gregg K. Jann a Sacramento platform to set things right from GKJ himself on Gregg's own time away with his talent in history-making. Prop 63 CA '04 is part of his Legacy. We'll see if these planners in Sacramento, & wherever they are now; finally pay Gregg J. with income & credit to him, as the Source Perspective Designer & Genesis Founder of MHSA. He has not received it. Plus Gregg Jann is not in"

Gun & All Violence Prevention from former Governing Bd Member/been current Businessman

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"School shootings or anytime we read or hear of mass shootings, it tears me apart. I used to depress my whole composure during my school board era researching on-campus violence throughout the USA, in part to justify my 2005 Character Ed school board goal at PIner-Olivet USD in Santa Rosa, CA.

Put it on state Constitutions. Federal is blocked by E.R.A. Pay Gregg K. Jann - the author/consultant.

Jann renamed his goal "Teach Peace' + 2", and "Truth to Origin Amendment". He has copyrights for Gregg's Goal in Bettering the World, A Jann Plan, and Truth to Origin"

Kind Words about Somebody

Blog topics: 

It is much better to say good things to add to another person. It means you are generous on the caring level. It is good karma. To adults the business person means good reputation; possibly win-win in money or community standing. Recommendations may help getting in to college or Grad school in scholarships.

Get in the habit. A word or phrase that is honest to a person or company means it and post it. These praises help my recovery. 1) Doc didn't know I worked when I told him ago. What happens in Sacramento funding for me?

"No" on Recalls; "Yes write in" for Gregg Jann for Governor when I voted

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I'm opposed to Recall elections, ever since I was an elected school official. I need to put forth my name for too much I lost: 1) Get paid millions of dollars for Constitution writing of the MHSA CA '04, opposite Prop 13 cuts. I innovate Mental & health.

Without running, "Gregg Jann" for 2) Democrat businessman 3) I wanted to exercise my full voting rights. 4) my "Teach Peace" NO NEW TAXES 5) I made as much California/USA history as anyone. and 6) Gregg is THE story who designed M. health care, & funded it- "for the least liked in the newspaper."

Gregg is a thought leader: on LinkedIn

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"No man is an Island to himself," may be true. However a creative type person can prosper in idea creation by thriving in a void or vacuum so to speak of inputs like I have basically tried to do. By limiting my television viewing to sports, and no commercials for very little influences of popular culture, I treated quiet clients in the Group Homes where I was a paid counselor for over 10 years. No women really conversed with me in my younger days in getting my education. In Writing, Going where no man has gone before!! (read more)

Gregg terms himself, "Kindness Leader." RECENTLY

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Why Don't They Like You, is a question I know about to me as too shy. Walking in a parking lot, I overheard two young women say to each other when I was a '90s stranger, "too quiet." I was young this time around, and just felt I had silence in common from no modeling.

Striking up a conversation when the male tries to be supportive, and has nice things to say more than pleasantries is what counts. Girl Reward Me, for I stood for policies I created in work, politics, churches, and for schools doing public speaking in front of peers; standing the test of time.

Being Spied On When Using Computers & Internet

Blog topics: 

A few years I worked as Patient Rights Advocate in Group Home Counseling. I agreed and fought when informed that telecommunications went too far in surveillance. No way did I attend Staff Meeting quietly the one time I heard Managers in rehab-profession places required to monitor MH offices, sans Consumers too. My response seemed to have kept me from ever having a beloved wife and step children, for no $ promotions for 25 years similar to retail wage/salary fixing in my career. Mental Health System insiders say, "Staff are Forced to LIKE EVERY PART OF IT with '0',zero disagreement."
