Critical Thinking Fighting Suppression

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I Have to Win Something Always Forever

Reconciling is my National Merit Scholar-Commended Project, and Church Prosecution is to me in my mind for image disability when I am NOT GAY every instance. Is there an answer specifically. I want a Ph.D for MH Awareness and History plus an MFA for writing history no charge which proves it, and a teaching credential so I can be placed in text books. {read more below.}

Not YOU Who Owns Emotions When I Practice Some

"Santa Rosa, particularly in bureaucratic governments and denizens, need to learn emotions and how to appreciate us. By 1) Striking real, 2) answering by withholding Social Security 3) is strident to people baseline. Keeping my Human Rights nearly/always threatened is a game of hazing for Downward Gateway in Economy largely writ, in Sonoma County. I am one Hope for the Safety Net not to take away for a MAN exemplified being for his past hearted won Independence, and a greater LOVE for AGAPE.

Unkind America Needs Payment for Talent/Work Performed with Educated Mind

I am the beginning of a NEW Day for USA people do/may want, and ethics in banking not TAUGHT.
The Education System does not have Critical Thinking to Care to reverse/stop immediately "Stealing Gregg" Business school, or someone too much, with Nursing & MH Counseling Profession, and Speech making for Liberal Arts-to do a contract hold for a time while disabled or too young. And then release to target for his own self, his own style for fun, so-called work and life. The NEW is Gregg Jann or Christians generally, they were not pro, to be a GOOD family, as adult. {read more}

Pearl Harbor Remembering for 2000s among Women & Stuff

Heroine is a drug, and Rear-ender is great sex for a Professional-"Butt Rape" is what is Sonoma for You. Grown Women are what I thought, and Ecstasy drug is a name back to the 1980s, and Crack Cocaine was butt jokes rang true. Bad is moral type men discriminated economically, social at the most of it. This by schedule at work, needs many of these, including for medicine bare for all it, and are low paid for all of LIFE, in and of itself. Going by Sundays off, or critical comments to FUN, and activities from anyone crowd sourcing.

Breaking Free of a Shell of Myself to Be

In this Calif, it is or seems to be, have sex with many others for I know in Grammar School to get rich like California. To beat Economic/Social Discrimination, it is NOT wrong to someone named SEX in Catholic lore, to fuck as many as you are. To ME it is. Former Elected School board member is what I am, since 6th Grade in Elementary and no Home Room, and not pushed aside for "pretty good little running back" in High and decent morals for contributing professionally to MH. I worked hard since manager, lived 3 careers, plus inventor with writer, and loved my family as individual.

Cured of Schizophrenia-Paranoid type-Long Play, a little more Wordy

Cut for author and Minister private use, for proof of his work and worth, not only inherently, because he iswished by other people.-Gregg Jann. Monday September 23, 2024,
at the Church edition of, but it is Private information, not for Public, for Humanities worth.

Cured of Schizophrenia-Paranoid type, with a remainder type

ITs hard to know this. A poison start at 18 1/2, by unknown women in a home invasion with red liquid, is a hard truth denied to him. He sees the point it was eye contact with his own Mom, and for high school unpopularity, morals not liked, or saying "no" to a college greatness I could have been. It happens by German psychiatry to do harm and do research. Gregg J. feels he is worth this research, and to finally stop this. {read more}

Republicans too Low in Quality by their Smear on Gregg

I just solved a mystery of Nixon hurting me, since a 4 year old speech maker I am in consequence to this day and my family I'm not sure. I am in deep resolve about faith. It is summed up in a re-edit of A Jann Plan in rewording to me, "They hit me with poison some days earlier, this at 18 at SRJC. I am not silent as I grew up in the 60s. I am in the right place of Santa Rosa, for careerism in Social Service and elected school board both a dream for how I am, now fulfilled." I said a Dedication to the City I still live ongoing for my Spirit. {Read More}

Actual Mass Murderer Event Began My Exploitation in Hollywood, Elsewhere

Heroes that I am, which saved lives in the flesh fighting and by fire alarm later (naming diseases too as moniker) are hard to find. I told a businesswoman about me, of 2 movies series since '78 to my first book in '09. Women generally do like Legends if they know about it, maybe not in losing their sanity, or not talking as compunction. One thing I wanted but was never asked, is for good women to come on to me in social mores to me particular, to prove I was special in her heart from the start.

Parsing Words with Short Definitions of Author of Linguistics

A "Better Professional" with experience grows back into form without suppression when Lower Style do not use Parsing. Buzz words and categorizing of important professional field matters in occupations, however simple and important, have a place. Shortened or abbreviated terms wrongly or when in not the right hands like Licensing, or used for insubordination when overwhelming or not understood to the business owner/manager of the house are a WRONG. Teaching can be strong in meaning if always kind & imparts good knowledge. (read more)
