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Supportive Leadership as Trained in Counseling as Educated Leader I am

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More supportive leadership of the community is important, this from businesses. And not only from banking, insurance like Social Security, or public agencies like schools and firemen. A training I went to as preparation for promotion in management employment at an established non-profit in MH counseling, called Job Coaching Skills for Management stated a Quadrant of 4 types of Executive Leaders. {read more}

Nice Holiday Message

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I could try as a Big Businessman, as a most often recruited Financial salesman. I am too weak in arranging needs for me, in a crowd I used to know, in places I liked, and trying something brand new for occupation for one Part Time. I can celebrate subdued or not very extravagant, like this Christmas. I liked myself when Managing and Counseling, and while writing for Publishing. It's Christian to HOPE General Economic design for US/World History, to gain credits in my won name.

Thanks for a Book Professionally Applied

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I appreciate my Minister at my home, for providing me, "Christ on the Psych Ward " by David Finnegan-Hosey. I liked the book immediately for highlighting One difference in style. It rankled nerves, mine, over the author' thanking many people for his recovery. As one, I, never in a hospital of mental type, I would not be trusted inside if an at-large network of informants tried to take my own my business, control financials and my life. Work was too low pay for saying "no" to 1 woman, and seemed from a dorm roomie.

A Few Movements to Account for-more than only words making our history; Gregg jann was leader or sourced

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1)Reconciling Methodist for all Christianity, 1997 at CCUM since student
2) SEIU local 707 in 2003 I negotiated and signed a contract for all line staff, with MH consumer labor rights authored & negotiated by moi
3) non-violence and general emotional well, etc. school board article goal created and written into policy on POUSD in 2003 as elected 11/98 to 6/05.
4) 2004 signed and voted into law my Source Design of the tax funding mechanism for the Mental health services act Fall CA '04 [read more}

Say the Man who makes History is Gregg.

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I got to thinking in post reflection. Too much, I guess so, on the rebound not doing in the social realm of things event-wise. Wanted Invitations for me, as I'm a History achiever having looks too, with true challenges to the Status quo adding to Human Relations school of Business Administration in psychology advancements. These changes to the mainstream agreed by many Humans, opposed by elite managers but keeping the same old same old like Far Right Republican. Accomplishments are life blood in Love in Thanksgiving to me.

Leadership Education and Training Goes into What I Author

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Managed a Quarterback controversy as G.M. Intra-mural flag football dorm team, trying to be fair. I declared in job interview this was real leadership, and that I studied Leadership in reading on my won time away from Management book. Management Science was Upper Division statistics, weird-math modeling, & MIS within business structure, to go along with Decision Support Systems of BS Bus Admin. I added wisdom of Psychology during/afterward.-plus the Maslow Grad certificate on Needs from a business angle. I use this on DSS with for people I "reasonably rely" on for input.

Executive Tidying, A Natural Leader, and Cat Loving as Alternative

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"Mr. Jann learned to NOT be a task master, determined to be hard on people while supervising too closely their workers. Soon after I worked as employee/manager, DR seemed to rate me inept from observing tasks in retail. Unknown to these raters I was self-directed, a Leader, and Manager: KINDLY. As Rehab Counselor & pre-Voc Coordinator, I coached more hands-on disabled persons. I don't know if over-talking suppressed ME & Residents. I began my Executive Style when very young as I detected my healthy family were too many people in the kitchen. I decided to stay out of the way."

Opportunity Knocks! - Can Be Life Threatening?

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Risks and Rewards. Sometimes just dishonesty, making trouble. Genuine opportunity is mitigated by market research, paid by owner, buffered by a cushion of investments that are willing to be $ lost in business life. If not afforded these chances, try for labor/sweat equity. An artist or writer needs a donor/funder. Some try control like a slave owner if not profiteering enough. What's a proverbial poor writer to do, for a first best opportunity known to him. Does he act like a disabled man--destroyed by religion, some occupation interest, & lack of care ALL by them others.

Champions in News AND new

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The Big Mainstream is often flawed by choosing to not understand mental health issues in people. Women, most workers like to drop their loving ways into a statue of "no care" when the seemingly Vulnerable persons are in front of everyone gaining attention. Simone Biles and Britney Speers 1) holding onto mental H. adjustments, or 2) fighting the systems that are questionable in treatments, may occur to USA MH Peers in ways. Jann is OK influencing. Yet was spurned when as former supervisor, paid too low, ignored in his success, and couldn't afford a women life partner the whole time.

For the Record Acceptance to Graduate School

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Found I'm different, as "Conditionally Accepted" into a Graduate School for a Masters of Science Degree which makes me feel smart if not yet decision point to enroll. Compared to my 2 undergrad colleges' BS/BA degrees GPA suffering schizophrenia near 0 recovery long ago; seems professional life experience for Mental Health & Wellness Masters. I interviewed 2 online Christian Universities the next morning after late night surprise applications. A woman guided me to go over application blanks. Rusty and excited I even got the signatures on the transcripts requests filled in wrong.
