Unkind America Needs Payment for Talent/Work Performed with Educated Mind

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I am the beginning of a NEW Day for USA people do/may want, and ethics in banking not TAUGHT.
The Education System does not have Critical Thinking to Care to reverse/stop immediately "Stealing Gregg" Business school, or someone too much, with Nursing & MH Counseling Profession, and Speech making for Liberal Arts-to do a contract hold for a time while disabled or too young. And then release to target for his own self, his own style for fun, so-called work and life. The NEW is Gregg Jann or Christians generally, they were not pro, to be a GOOD family, as adult. {read more}

The Hate Crime by opponent, which seems like a contradiction in terms, like a lower art form next to my friend, do hurt for gain intentionally, on purpose in this taking or stealing with poison due my expression or as speech writer as banned in all famous instances, as to "Hurt Christians Harmfully "as we go along about the internet like your own family would, and also shown by Sacramento bureaucrat or some simile, as in the Prop 63 CA '04 MHSA, or the union signer as lead negotiator who is SPD funding tax designer and not yet paid by, and I'm denied Human Rights for it. The Bureaucrat official in CA are hurting the MH Consumers I think with malice, like often they are. The Good need an extra stipend for The Good Life to enjoy, with Bankruptcy Protection/Chapter proper in Civil Court, not criminal, for prevention as duty.