February 2016

Error message

Warning: ini_set(): Session save handler "user" cannot be set by ini_set() in include_once() (line 144 of /home1/janngreg/public_html/sites/default/settings.php).

Doctor's Punishments for Not Liking

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Whether for trying research on innocents, for ideologically opposed to expensive benefits like Medi-Cal, or for things too hard assed in patient not needing "normal" things for not a usual routine life all are hurt in medical consequences by corrupt prescription in due honest health license. Ever heard "don't worry about it" for inconvenience and discredit of normalcy, and heard the doctor explain reasons like patient is not working. Making medicine victims for no significant relationships can't be covered by a boss, but perhaps family can fill a discrimination for not a spouse.

I am Revenant for 1900s Bear Fighting

In A Jann Plan tucked into the first chapter, I write an account of my bear wrestling in summer 1979 in Banff, BC. It hurt me to the point of near death and I was in trauma.

Adding Care Wins It - for Big Time Too

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Adding care and a softer heart for people, especially those in your life, is a winner. Spending time with the elderly, as in relations or even volunteering in senior homes, develops patience as a quality inside shown outside. Learning to notice people, like them looking in your eyes for the first time ever, is a game changer.