November 2016

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2 Diagnosis Better Prognoses: Beware of Lost

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In Gregg's own opinion, getting a mental illness diagnosis is best with a complimentary condition. A snap-to line as in design drafting make a better shape for choosing among options to address and work on it figuratively. For example, schizo-affective has a better prognosis than schizophrenia professionally. Bipolar seems most glorified of them all for things like artistic expression ability.

It does get you treatment if co-occurring disordered with substance abuse, when probation offers treatment instead of jail through forensic programs. We know its best to not have any.

new Keynesian Economics some Laissez-faire

Intermediate Macroeconomics class while enrolled in my 2nd BA program in Business Economics led understanding the economy for jobs was best for mental health. We need to protect a Safety Net economy as fueled by the engines of Capitalism.

The ISLM curve designed after Keynes provides proof that government spending expands the economy more than tax cuts have a plus effect. Any Econ major who tells you different is all for himself or just greedy in his view. Don't exclude yourself by advocating for the best aggregate economy. Jann Demystifying Affects does not abuse 'for me."