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Mental Health Education and Training Pamphlet

JannDA™ offers for sale a pamphlet titled What is Mental Illness to individuals and organizations like health clinics and schools. Certified copyright, the pamphlet is user friendly complete with resources specific for Sonoma County and with a brief guide for recovery. The general knowledge and facts about the system resources are accurate throughout California. Hard copies of the pamphlet are designed for referencing back to as a take home and keep mental health pamphlet to look back on to ingrain the knowledge for when it is most necessary.

Price Detail list:
$8.00 each

$0.75 shipping and handling costs per pamphlet.

For your return address when paying by cash or check, please contact Jann Demystifying Affects by phone, mail or email for instructions. and requesting the number of copies and a check for the amount.

Book: Bettering the World by Gregg K. Jann
Bettering the World is a collection of editorials, speeches, and legal entries written since 1982. It was first published in April 2009. Come read and see how these writings influenced history from the Cold War to educational programs some of you witnessed in person. Few copies available as book is out of print. Try for United Kingdom relevancy of The Honorable Gregg Jann and his career and lifetime. Honorable Mention, non fiction 2018 Hollywood Book Festival for a short story written turn of the century 99-2000 author feels used for book of the movie "The 40 Year Old Virgin." Jann seems to have contributed other screenplays in part too.
Book: A Jann Plan: Creative Origins Advocacy/Teach Peace and Creative Accountability
A Jann Plan champions mental health, therefore de-stigma counseling essays. Economics end point as origin with law answer to un-Pirate Western capitalism. Buy from RoseDogBooks. com under Education and Parenting nonfiction published December 1st, 2014 for AIDS namer. Honorable Mention, Business, 2018 San Francisco Book Festival.
Book Published June 2017 is Van Goghing Gregg: Recovery Toward Love
Van Goghing Gregg shows more a philosopher in stopping a murder spree cult in San Francisco's Marin Headlands area. Cover depicts respect for medical divinity and processing needed by community. VGG reveals Gregg doing in his background that is insightful to Mr. Jann being a great source perspective designer of history since the 70s. Buy from online booksellers or Rose Dog Books directly under nonfiction autobiography/memoirs. Honorable Mention, autobiography, 2018 Los Angeles Book Festival
Book Truth to Origin published Spring 2019
Truth to Origin contains a US Constitutional amendment suggestion or state ballot initiative. The 3 articles for good people are Teach Peace, Persons with Disabilities and Each of All in Economic Rights, and Victims Restitution. This legal code promulgation is separate from the back cover going over Gregg Jann's success in Christianity as a Community Activist. Stolen IP in returned value to make whole is an issue addressed for recovery in this law code. The context is written exciting and raw, as Mr./Hon Jann couldn't blame a wide Fire Strike on another country but chose... Winner, nonfiction Business 2020 Hollywood Book Festival
Book: Unrewarded, Unrecognized Consultant Improved the World and USA
At RoseDog Books published and re-entered March 22, 2023, This covers the history of Gregg Jann, with his own accomplishment basis of the process economy we are in, particularly mental health. He impeaches Mr. Nixon through Nixon threats of a particular type. Mr. Jann gives good advice separate from his blog here on, on psychology and also management from experience. Author invents the internet using "peace say" from the SRJC and continues, particularly at Chico State in California and was a Sr. Assistant Manager at Woolworths Express Store next to Napa/San Francisco in Marin in '91.

Author uses Social Commentary from a viewpoint of recovery from his personal struggle in mental illness beset by tragedy, using his philosophy for good medicine of Social Responsibility in finding needs throughout society for that of a businessman journal-ling. Mr. Gregg K. Jann stakes claim to his own invention descriptions of great source perspective designs and leaderships by heroism examples, including the Trailside Strangler. The lead hypothesis starting on back cover in strong language, is Jann has been stolen, (which Jann thought of hate crime, leaving it out of all writing, ironically, while looking at needs of others originally as a beginning school board member); by men and women using unfettered greed, with poison at the SRJC, OK'd by their religious persuasion by conspiracy and officially or not by mafia, which is organized-crime or occupation for weakness, seen by Jann, Gregg and unreported in media but by Me. That me, is Gregg Jann, this of, of a lifetime since age 14 or so with a Publisher given word of one at Pittsburgher, name specific Dorrance then un-named to him. It is a positive story in a sense that Gregg Jann may be able to get word out of a corruption specific of the Mental Health Industry to Christian, along with Criminal Justice like his Mom. With Movie/Hollywood Film Credits, and even PC/Computer Industry, to Presbyterian/Methodist, et. al Protestant and overall health careerism for his own financial and won otherwise credit, income, and women lovers new and old, not just AGAPE or just only sex, this back to him now that he is stronger in legal standing, not only interpersonally but this as well, firm in heart and mind with emotional wherewithal which means defined pleasantly more in expression/emotionally than formerly not at all-in front of bureaucrats of all the nerve! HA!. I like the doctors note at Kaiser HMO, this from my emotional outburst at Social Security on Range Avenue, one of 3 lifetime. All without frustration but that of anger from Social Security in their Lobby, as professed by me and this one not in front of a sister at Xmas dinner same Winter. I'm sorry about my logger-jam, and tirade to get to Human Rating if that is what we were doing by Group Home industry for counseling through Human Services, MA anyone. I just now know what is going on.

An advancement is in order for Psychology for an MA by Gregg Jann, finally. I worry about all the degrees wanted and the lying appearing to be me, when i wrote in about 2 pint size thesis very well put. The Advancement is for Self Help that we all do in college coursework, I did for business degree completing it and suffering without illegal street vice, nor reporting to anyone illegal I had a diagnosis till an encyclopedia named I had Schizophrenia, later transitioning to Schizo-Affective. It was Schizophrenia Paranoid type on the grounds of evacuating Moscow at the very mention of cold war too, and I believed it over red paint and a lover I felt had a cold laugh who I did not meet really, but had a broken heart over a crush feeling. Please stop my Transpiration, which I picked up since my Reverend Donn G. Jann death, as I asked for Re-Memory before his death in Fountain Hills, AZ, some time before. I do peer advocacy, which sounds like no ass-hole, and did not tell what kind of leader I am when I attended SSU, an Isolating Leader, that of one working as a writer for a copyright hopefully. I was funny and took Economics, Business Economics for Grad Status 2nd BA.

If I am not further harmed or maimed as I have been intentionally Disabled by People who are Any, Pirates, or those others in our city for Storge or for some such in life. Its for my forgiveness that we not just I get over it, with repair in money to me included to make whole those human who are intentionally disabled by injury that were man-made in a way by brother fellow man inclusive, general family, or US Military which is medicine too, "Just watch its" , or criminal court on innocent even if proven like I did always for me through too many Credit Card companies not anything you need to know after our Fires. I'm not just too idiot, not to me and its formerly if I was for I am always an independent mind and worked earning money or a US Copyright for it, for them others in my MH Advocacy for my won Founders Rights which are hoping economic away from them to me in my won MH Rights financial for my separate together gainful for true expressed "Business Rights and Freedom of Expression Rights" held dear to myself worth money too for work, and ballot worthwhile including time in, and Internet design originally with Peace Say and Philosophy worth inherently that I did .--Gregg K. Jann for, the owner I am sole proprietor.