Woolsey's SMART Security an Improvement

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U.S. Representative Lynn Woolsey of California is retiring, and she leaves a legacy of 440 plus speeches on the House Floor speaking about peace and the motivation of taking care of us and helping the American people instead of paying the high cost in blood and money of war. Woolsey stated on 9/11 of 2012 that "helping people costs pennies on the dollar of waging war." She called for SMART Security, which advocates for Development and Diplomacy as the solution to the War on Terror. With Rep. Barbara Lee of Oakland getting the pass on, and with Sonoma-Marin Thoughtfulness and brandishing Service Mark Art like Jann Demystifying Affects(tm), we can land the defense money to build soft skills, educations, and services of people we all are like. Unfortunately with our local history of relationship discrimination in employment and the paving over of natural scenery worth loving, the D and D in discussions can sound like Rape the Land of traditional money interests.

We should shape our foreign policy by our homeland security to include kindness encouragement at the workplace, opportunity nicely at off hours activity, and emotional support bolstered in our homes- all capably administered by freedom offered with money and less restrictive control to make each of all of us right.