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You can be who you want to be
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Warning: ini_set(): Session save handler "user" cannot be set by ini_set() in include_once() (line 144 of /home1/janngreg/public_html/sites/default/settings.php).Imagination along with resilience make a person's ambitions true. If one is cut short in trying for something, he can still enjoy the journey he took. This good feeling of caring about something and doing something about, even if not doing the same thing as he set out to do, can linger in one's heart and contemplation.
"You can be who you want to be" is true, even if not smart enough for the dreamy jobs, or not enough money for college it may have taken, or no opportunity from no luck to do it. Qualities molded by effort will release into you a similar attitude applied to what is actual with you.
In Spring 1980 I used this very expression from my heart for women in my high school class particularly. Something like army career traveling is what I see of one on FB. Recruiters ad copy of "Be all you can be" has a limiter of "can" that means ambition may be truncated and what you can't be is stolen as you aspire with your talent looking for investor.