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Glastnos, Perestroika, More Moral
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Warning: ini_set(): Session save handler "user" cannot be set by ini_set() in include_once() (line 144 of /home1/janngreg/public_html/sites/default/settings.php).
Submitted by Gregg Jann on Thu, 2008-10-23 17:18
What I remember from Gorbachev and President Reagan's working together in the 1980s was the former Soviet leader stating we all needed openness and restructuring and Reagan saying, "I know we're more moral" here in the US. The field and personality of mental health care and treatment is the place to most apply these 3 traits to implement a stronger and more improved social challenge we face. We have progressed in treating and accepting psychiatric disabilities from years past. In an open thread discussion to talk and advocate in the community you are in, without forgetting mental health's current shortcomings, what personal areas and professional fields can these 3 stated qualities continue to grow us as a person and as a nation?