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Production by Shunning & Ostracizing: Religion's Life
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Warning: ini_set(): Session save handler "user" cannot be set by ini_set() in include_once() (line 144 of /home1/janngreg/public_html/sites/default/settings.php).Mr. Gregg Jann lived in a city mostly since kindergarten as an adult surrounded by a type of people not his own kind. At 50 years, Gregg enjoyed "Legally Blonde the Musical", the play at Summer Repertory JC singing, "Is he Gay or European?" Not m'few ladies, but all else in Gregg's life seemed Gay, very bad Sexers, or Immoral; hiding a type Roman Catholic including Jesuit Catholic cult for 1st stealing the Internet; for "hate" of Mental Health jobs culture; or moneyed like political fundraiser. Officials shunned/ostracized Gregg in jobs, health care, and social life. (read more)
This "D" going on since one Mr. President, back then one Republican Governor, used Gregg Jann in speeches from the age of 4 in Nebraska. My own Father is a hero to me, to get my speeches from me for Dad & NASA to use and become sermons in a Bible text. Reverend Donn G Jann Bible and Religion context are about Presence of God in teaching, not about Political Fundraising, but we Jann Family as Gregg Jann writes can take our occupations and hobbies seriously not to hurt people. (More Academy Awards than Paddy hoping someday for Special Honoree for SPD credits if however all later than release date and money to Gregg Kevin Jann each time his own new, nude credits used for overall anyone's performances and design of inventions; Internet programming code and Peace Management Themes as spoken/written in advocacy at least here at before today.}
This above not to create havoc even it they the persons' name themselves philosophers or theoreticians. Gregg Jann calls himself interchangeably these 2 latter titles word descriptions, not for punishment as per Bible readings but to grow understanding and include people into church membership when structure doesn't include certain types that Mr. Gregg Jann does for Reconciling Christianity. Working for employment pay and glory in authoring for MH Consumer psychology and using a difference of opinion for economic jobs as a type of weapon for past friction of not getting along for inhumanity testing of a co-worker like Voc Rehab is a winner if you tell bosses like a food trucker - some places I love like Schwans, other places cooperated- just in my mind.
It is not without Reagan Ban to harm Gregg; now better for MH Recovery as it should be, a policy productive soundbite specialist heard in speeches G. Jann was unknowing the source who was used famously from the Man of the Moon, or the Oval Office in the White House, or the Berlin Wall. Which young Gregg Kevin Jann was not aware of until solving his own FUGUE that it was himself, Gregg Jann. Along with the Rolling Stones singing by churches choirs used to combine Presbyteries according to the careerism of his very own Father, the Reverend Donn Jann's Presbyterian Church, USA. Gregg's song including the whole North USA and Southern Conferences by Gregg K. Jann's song larking writing of, "(Hey You), Get Off of My Cloud" before the Stones sang it in the 60s.
Gregg Jann's Re-Memory Process builds these Religious underpinnings from value Mr. Jann lost to Intellectual Property thieves who took from a too young a Minister's son, even 4 YEARS OLD, and he was always productive and successful even if not rich and wealthy their by standards of achievement. Gregg Jann is 3 colleges educated (AS,BS,2nd-BA), published books, and stood for election(school board) and appointed office, and accomplished peace plans including the Mental Health Services Act tax funding mechanism design as its source when he was liaison working as a counselor.
Perhaps, it goes to show how much Jesuit Catholics steal (meaning take from) to try to keep their monopoly in CALIF state government and just CONTROL people for money of their taking it for themselves. I really don't know why Gregg K. Jann has not been paid for source perspective design of the MHSA CA '04 Prop 63 when Gregg Jann was right there in meetings with lobbyist firm Yoder/Shaw and Gregg Jann was designing this ballot initiative and asked for money for working on it.
Of note, Gregg K. Jann is single, straight heterosexual.
He can declare himself whenever the writing need arises, for the business anti-discrimination code of law is about illegally price list based on gender. According to CA business tax licenses new this year 2021.
Mr./Hon Gregg Jann authored 4 non-fiction books, some of these broaching the topic of religious persecution, which affects literally what he sees. Religious Persecution may have affected him originally to the point of SMI at 18 1/2 years old with a red liquid ingestion by forced choice in a home invasion by 2 women in Santa Rosa, CA. Soon after on the particular weekend on March 28, 1981 emotional pressure triggered his onset of a condition lasting 40 years of a chemical imbalance- now nearly very well in recovery except for wealth in property and the partial e-blindness.
Gregg was never in a court room trial except for traffic misdemeanors rarely a decade or more separate.
I can mention Jesuit.