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Citizenship for Health Care Reform One Avenue
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Submitted by Gregg Jann on Sat, 2009-09-12 03:21
Touching the bone in calling out to the President, "You liar," is a testament to feeling and logical sanity. In health care reform, unlike more conservative pragmatists, most of Sonoma County legislators believe in their heart in providing health insurance to illegal immigrants. It saves costs to reduce hospital stays and emergency room treatments for maintenance and preventative health care. The costs saved by offering insurance to illegal immigrants is money to taxpayers, hospitals, and a poor segment of the population. An honest need for Americans is the health care availability, and some feel slighted if the major legislative push is not just for us Americans. Get this need for citizens passed in Congress by writing letters to your Congressman and participating in town halls in support of health care reform. Like the growth of an initially approved small park's lands into a larger park later as an expected way of the legislative business, gaining access to health care for all as a human right that is funded is the most important thing we can do right now. The sensible thing to advocate for illegal immigrants can come later when the dollars saved to us and the beneficial employment balance sheets add up in the minds of those taxpayers thinking it is unfounded to help people from another country who live here.