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Gregg K. Jann, Jann Demystifying Affects consults individuals and organizations in mental health challenges. JannDA also consults with business management and providing mental heath services. We educate teachers, students, paraprofessionals, also patients in doctors offices. Psychology, Constitutional Law Book Published, author of multiple poly sci books.

Danger Set Up in "That" Scenes with Women

Bold young women making eye contact getting ready for adulthood is fun for me.. Gregg earned income as a "safe man" in Peer Advisor Adult Counseling for 25 years. Is this Time to change for inter-sexed between Gregg and the Ladies? Re-memory to policy for Mr. Jann is a long ago Woolworths Assistant Manager. Recently, held up at gun point by a store clerk stealing 80 dollars from Gregg as a customer. And a kind of "Skin the Cat" maneuver by accomplice. Is there insurance pay to Gregg for Robbery by Retail Employees with his Heart Palpitations at ER.

Management Science Degree/Blue Lives Matter for World Equation

Earlier the same day as the killing of George Floyd, in the morning, I stuck my foot in my mouth while sitting quieting in alone in my living room space. I immediately put on my pants and walked downstairs to enter the Deli. Police were waiting for me as I purchased sausage, and one of the two of them said, "like a neck roll." Christian Security Guards at one point should be good for something, but now I feel vulnerable as George Floyd was too. I currently work in mental health de-stigma for greater understanding and make Peace Policy in Education too.

Lonely and Awkward People Punished

In this Pandemic with Black Lives Matter rioting/peaceful gathering below my apartment in the streets below in the evening, I took in viewing special offerings of televised movies. Two for the loneliness of our times and recommended for my type of heart with Lovers kept from me in my past lives were watched by me on HBO. Cast Away(2000) starring Tom Hanks and Of Mice and Men (1992) starring Gary Sinese and Tom Malkovich. Champion of hearts include self in good faith to grow from.

Some Hurt Still on College Admissions Tests

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I love my college admissions tests scores 35-40 years ago, even though I hardly used them for a routine process to get California State University degrees for 2 BS/BA in Business and Economics. Advanced Placement English according to CLEP yes. I graduated a High School senior as a Top 5 per cent Commended Student in the US Merit Program. One part hurtful is I was laughed at by family for scoring a PERFECT on the ACT that University of California requires on my one test. My family first thought they were successful in making me mentally retarded thinking the score had to be high 100.

Word Choice of Resting over Relaxing

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During this Pandemic Crisis I was told both by health care and by sister care to use the word resting when I am locked in my apartment, and not to use the usual word I implement of "relaxing." In relaxing, I conjure up sitting by poolsides of yesteryear and being with good, hard working people like I was. Resting sounds like a spare tire to the young even to my father at our F. Scott Fitzgerald pool parties in Rockland County, NY. Due to injury, or limited walking about outside due to needs of containment of the virus, I get a long ok taking care of needs.

Retrofitting Grounded Jet Airplanes for Wider Seats

A lack of air filtration is spreading communicable contagions through air transportation. The airline industry also shows callous disregard to larger waist people by cramming the smaller sized seating arrangements. Too small of seats on commercial airlines force heavy set men and bigger sized women to not use airlines altogether, and make them travel by car and maybe Amtrak, which some can not do. (read more)

San Francisco Office Work Perilous

Prior entry shows a lack of understanding and empathy in job performance that most BS can have. Armed with a Business Administration degree and religious founding worth Reconciling in the Bible if we were to have it since I was 13 years old, with plenty of Legends to my name north of the Bridge, I took any job I could. It was easy and I came prepared. I tried to break in talking Herb Caen's 3 dot journalism, and sometime mismatch 3 buttons on my shirt. Bad hygiene can get rough on 3 hour bus ride too, and missing a shave while wearing too nice a sport coat wears thin.

Rehabilitation Uses "Inhuman" Language even in School

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The mental health care professions, the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, Psychiatrists and all professions including physicians, lawyers, and Allied Health types except mostly Advocates - are taught their own client base and customers who are mentally ill or too unstable are rated to be subhuman and are discounted economically and legally. We each need to be kinder with better words, and Gregg K. Jann's kindness policy works for the US/State Constitutions as in Truth to Origin book published at in Pittsburgh, PA.

Named after a cult beer and age for friendly distance seems to be.

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It was not before that fateful day and time time at the work as a paid Intern at Wellness Center. I was with a batch of members as I was toward an always recognized Peer Support Specialist Certification, which I received. Getting a big slug in a flu shot that I can't explain, there must be pneumonia in in China. I claimed in one of my groups I facilitate I named AIDS for verbal performance add, and I here also seemed to say this pandemic virus should be named CoronaVirus 19. Just something simple to be kinder toward China to be friendly as nations and bear this together.

Socializing "investing" Wanting Friendship

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Just a fun person, a rabble-rouser of opposite political stripes with intentions to change the way, or neighborly is socializing opp. I talked politics, looked for women and went new places. I felt never extroverted enough as youth, high school, and most colleges and in civics. I thank the friendships I have had, particularly college times for a while anyway as I tried to do. I recently heard Heavenly Hymns not man made from above my alcove to wake me from sleeping as I lay sick, with a vision in my head of the meaning of having friendships over a lifetime.
