Family and Friends

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Invest in Me from Gregg Jann

In debt for Good, it seems a condition necessary that can be paid off if potential reaches a climax. The work arrives in form of Promotion. This type of thing originall seems unreasonable, even if unholy to the box type of standard rules of finance of the norm that are taught. But if this works, and why my business has credit, I invest for the future which is now. I can climb out of my hole helping each other reach a pinnacle! The message is hopeful.

The way is on surviving and building Trust for a more Authentic Dignity for Truth Seeker!

Friends Lose over B-Word - I'm so sorry to her. "Your Lying Eyes"

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"I'm sorry to a stranger lady I had feelings over, and still have them, when I was trying to be a Man and a Person by my Rookie language and Vanity. I said previous entry, below the "read more" as a message meant boastful, vaguely "bitch." I was hurt at ending, that she couldn't even write back on a due account with a smart offer from me to her and her company for related business. I was wise like a Chico Grad starting as friends, to contact like a sorority type friend and love like a Reconciling Methodist
Founder. I made them else a liar. (read more.)

Capacity for Love Starts with Me and a Place Together

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Sex is Private, and Confidential is foremost with a partner. I remember asking my brother for help to get introduced to women when I was in 1st Grade. I rarely got one-on- one recognition from women through college and nearly not so in life later. Only Abrupt in exploring on each us 2 parties, me to see if my partial blindness would "wear off" from chemical persecution from childhood. The other req. is location like your own bedroom. I 've only done it in "work most competence" sites: office sex rules happenings.

Leading Man Stuff for Love In Woman

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On 2nd Thought, saying the Housekeeper will come soon & my place will be clean after your work may NOT be the best come-on for a working young woman who is smart, wise and kinder. I want a great Lady, for intelligence and beauty-morally & pretty. My style overall is not active and general directive in wording. I appear greying, handsome, wide around the waist, doing good care, hard commentator, author as occupation. I can't cover ordinary expenses. Lady help to correct my credit deficit for history-making/income non-fiction claims.-

Fighting for Reputation

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When you are basically a good guy, you may need to assert a better reputation than you thought you had to. Do yo have to fight it out? Think back when you needed a good word in the past to get a promotion to management. Or it was hard to get a driver for a surgery performed. This takes soul searching on your weakness for friendship & few or no recommendations too. Fight the moron rep & injustice as twice the college graduate by asserting your B-schools as I should, by my courage and history-achieved by calling attention to my strong will and evidence I found for proof.

A Human Psychology Designed by Gregg J for Trust in Us

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An asked for woman by me, did unrequested "Figure 8" hand maneuvers on my penis in a known "closet." I ran to her, and mistook her, unknown who she was. I hoped she would do favors of money, wisdom and sense for me like a girlfriend. Designed by Mr. G. Jann to feel end FTV..

This was the very morning of the posting of my new, official pic on a famous book seller under Gregg K. Jann, now finished editing of my biographical sketch. Asking for meaningful connection online gets you toward what you want. A great thing happened, within an hour!

I Did Write this for a Wish- Open to many who may want to answer this

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On my author biography I look for love, and you are the first woman I ask this question - a thorny one for me. Call me or email if you know me, even slightly or from a long time ago or work where I love you. Not a women would answer him first, but a lady too unwelcome in a situation for co-work toward a man alone who conquered alot for the world with nothing but "himself." (read more)

Catching Up with an Old Roommate

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As I go off to deeply meditate for Reverence in another state in my family, I also received an email from a friend who has had recent luck in his professional writing career. I had the chance to get some details of life of his family that fills my soul with personality.

Told him Success of our fellow "Knad" was appointed Judge, and my new book's commentary on World Economy. I wondered espionage/spying briefly, in book too. Not usually preachy in my email- Respect Privacy, not to remember what we didn't appreciate of us, or any spats, or exploit weaknesses of our starting out.

Picture of You

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I had a huge need/desire for a picture and reality to see the face of a woman crush, a lover, a FLOOD in my mind that I held on for dear life for a 10 year stretch of my lifetime. Never got the pic, for not being close enough to ask and I found she was body doubles.

Loved the Proofs of reforming systems, history and people that we struggled for in this era of my leadership. Gregg was dependent on my relationship-hold rating for jobs. The solo life plan I tried didn't get me promoted. Generally, Facebook ended the crush format of my Limerence style of love/infatuation.

Easter Break Today '78: "In Time for My Paper Route"

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The Pt. Reyes Event at the Seashore, referring to the Trail Side Strangler which feels like poor, struggling Gregg Jann was innocent of Vigilante crimes. Yet he solved the mass murderer part of what he was informed about using Crime Fighting on the Spot. The hideous nature of the Trail Side Strangler and the mass murderer gang style in his eyes that he could see, caused a Social/Economic Injustice Medically Applied to Gregg Jann all his adult life. Now nearing close to wellness and recovery if we get this right. (read more)
