Family and Friends

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Behavior out of a sense of loyalty can follow emotions of bonding or it can damage potential relationships by blocking feelings that are not explored. Loyalty can add to love, parochial interests, and patriotism in a healthy manner. Today's interpersonal and economic climate of "what's in it for me" can cut off relations with negative or toxic people like the sick. For a gentler and kinder nation, families and close connections need to invest in Emotional Banking Units with the disabled as keepers.

Father's Day is meant for "My One Who Is"

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Like a Supreme Court Justice saying, "I am my father's son," we each need to develop meaning from whoever is our father. A close bond can develop the younger person fully in current times, particularly at certain stages of development. A distant relationship emotionally and/or geographically can be intended by the father to generate a tough background some say is necessary for importance. A father that abandons his children or is of unknown parentage to them can lead the children to seek the world through less intense direction, and people will discover if the community has a heart.

Assisting Disabled People Find a Partner or Marriage

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Psychiatrically disabled people are often pleasant company in social interactions, with just a question-mark to close observers about their level of independence. The standards war debate of the "that" era of the singles scene in the 80s and early 90s highlighted the fact that many people in bars and elsewhere were striving for dishonorable or immoral singles behavior, and were also leaving out squares and all men and women who weren't perky or witty enough for quick, ready fun.
