Warning: ini_set(): Session save handler "user" cannot be set by ini_set() in include_once() (line 144 of /home1/janngreg/public_html/sites/default/settings.php).
It is vastly important to love mother in word and deed, with well wishes in her lifetime in her presence. If in acrimony as we sometimes or often do but not forever carry with us if in a healthy symbiosis, we must put aside our differences male and female & place a Love handle of forgiveness and good feelings. Or just have fun times together meaningfully. The main gift of my mother, was/is to enjoy our times together wherever. {read more}
Within 2 Months Ago, My first immediately known sex act in real feeling inside a body part, vagina and penis inside felt with cum release is a great feeling burning true man afterward too. Is there more to MANHOOD from the underground for a woman only wanted lover for me? I explained to HER on the spot that I wanted to be special for screen play from my short story seeming to be "The 40 Year Old Virgin" and abstaining from sex . This period was without stretching time for 5 years since working Macy's with a lady. {read more}.
Healing "Grandiosity" came in a reverse flood inside my brain as a chemical tide I wanted. I felt colors flowing over the healing process, this juncture of placement inside my head of emotions, feelings, accuracy of Identity of thoughts or memories of who and where my mind/intelligence has gone to find myself. I looked hard back to know why I thought I was special, for I knew I worked in design of psychology, internet, words, AIDS founder, and wanted my Legal Case stronger with an Intellectual Property attorney on active file. He needed me to be past Finding Myself since 2011.
Unknown cheating ways, calls for perhaps a New York TV Show starring a citizen reformer with a lady know-it-better will answer fears whether true or not. This could be about computers or foreign policy as well as TV/films. I loved her in any case. Intellectual Property police bent for crook ways of making Money or history, like my 5th NF newly published book title of "Unrewarded, Unrecognized Consultant Improved the World and USA" by Gregg Jann. {read more}
MAYBE for Balance, I should not be always positive in my Mental health advocacy to blanket praise everybody in the mental health consumer movement. I always did the uplifting view, but this is distorted to the hard nosed criminal justice and forensic fields where most clients come from; including substances abuse and domestic violence. I am from Nicer in life with 2 University degrees. I am used like a worker for design and de-stigma in my business not yet credited so far, as only professional licensed in TM not "MFT". I Fought for a fresh start in others, without my won income.
Integrity is honesty under duress, with loyalty to accuracy in communication, and hard work. I never declined money, nor was it offered. I kept myself physically intact from too much injury. -- Gregg Jann
1)Reconciling Methodist for all Christianity, 1997 at CCUM since student
2) SEIU local 707 in 2003 I negotiated and signed a contract for all line staff, with MH consumer labor rights authored & negotiated by moi
3) non-violence and general emotional well, etc. school board article goal created and written into policy on POUSD in 2003 as elected 11/98 to 6/05.
4) 2004 signed and voted into law my Source Design of the tax funding mechanism for the Mental health services act Fall CA '04 [read more}
I have a Book Trailer to reserve a place to show for my book to an industry or two to prove non-fiction my election and career was hard won. its about my taking part as source of history as a leader of many movements including labor and church for more rights both each; and public schools as elected, and trying to fit in as internet contributor of much dispute I suppose but am mostly to all people a silent partner except social. Strategy was also learning understanding others. (see above entry)
Going into the Business Bank applying for a Business Line of Credit is a choice act. A defining moment of a businessman-and this a past due testament since credit cards, etc from business American Express can hinge on regular work management salary and not on "in-between jobs" for professionally inclined work.
On an afternoon fixing a few banking errors like double charging rent in correcting after a blitzkrieg of wise investments is troubling. I did already lay bare of food, etc. for glamour - this on the 7th day of the month-for HUMAN Growth necessity.
Still Single, I start with for an distant HER and heart felt love made harder to reach for a feeling. A perception hard nosed in A)stigma busting and B) for history maker. I got stuck in the heart on one girl, unaware. I am not lazy in myself by not searching, This is NOT a symptom of illness, nor a sign of age in my 50's decade-just a trait of coinciding goals using too much finesse in my respect for her growing, and for more complexity in myself. I learned what I'm doing in psychology too, for truer stature. I love women exclusively in their sex gender role, which I always knew.