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Small Business Advocate may Decendent of Jefferson

"Wrote a comment below Alignable Learns article, on financing a small business - said its good the article included micro-entrepreneurs by a few thousand dollars options. I added my Seasonal work at a Department store EOY for ready cash flow. Working nonexempt again assists social and nice clothes. Plus the great People Skills training that help a mental health co. Perhaps this Department Store stole a heirloom secret book from my mother, the Alice Hartwell Jann Family. We may be decedents from Thomas Jefferson, and how he ran WH & Monticello; If so my consulting fee. Gregg Jann"

Catching Up with an Old Roommate

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As I go off to deeply meditate for Reverence in another state in my family, I also received an email from a friend who has had recent luck in his professional writing career. I had the chance to get some details of life of his family that fills my soul with personality.

Told him Success of our fellow "Knad" was appointed Judge, and my new book's commentary on World Economy. I wondered espionage/spying briefly, in book too. Not usually preachy in my email- Respect Privacy, not to remember what we didn't appreciate of us, or any spats, or exploit weaknesses of our starting out.

Kind Words about Somebody

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It is much better to say good things to add to another person. It means you are generous on the caring level. It is good karma. To adults the business person means good reputation; possibly win-win in money or community standing. Recommendations may help getting in to college or Grad school in scholarships.

Get in the habit. A word or phrase that is honest to a person or company means it and post it. These praises help my recovery. 1) Doc didn't know I worked when I told him ago. What happens in Sacramento funding for me?

"No" on Recalls; "Yes write in" for Gregg Jann for Governor when I voted

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I'm opposed to Recall elections, ever since I was an elected school official. I need to put forth my name for too much I lost: 1) Get paid millions of dollars for Constitution writing of the MHSA CA '04, opposite Prop 13 cuts. I innovate Mental & health.

Without running, "Gregg Jann" for 2) Democrat businessman 3) I wanted to exercise my full voting rights. 4) my "Teach Peace" NO NEW TAXES 5) I made as much California/USA history as anyone. and 6) Gregg is THE story who designed M. health care, & funded it- "for the least liked in the newspaper."

Gregg is a thought leader: on LinkedIn

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"No man is an Island to himself," may be true. However a creative type person can prosper in idea creation by thriving in a void or vacuum so to speak of inputs like I have basically tried to do. By limiting my television viewing to sports, and no commercials for very little influences of popular culture, I treated quiet clients in the Group Homes where I was a paid counselor for over 10 years. No women really conversed with me in my younger days in getting my education. In Writing, Going where no man has gone before!! (read more)

Looking at Same Words types a Dullard Style for Insight

NO, a dedicated "creative type." To look up the same content online to read if anything new changes inside him. Writing about psychology HX varying like news.. More repetitive these memory reaches, and more exacting than assumed. Getting the story straight is a study of court significance if ever to be in a trial. Adding ideas that come to mind and keeping sentence structure more in place is a good editor. He grows our intelligence with a tapestry woven together. His quality of inner teeming metropolis of mental clarity, he shows himself in authoring a complex life path.

My Labor Union Negiotating Era, Wanting to See History before Graduating into MH Management

My reform cause was codified Consumer worker Rights in contract form for us, mainly Group Home counselors who unionized. I was appointed Lead Negotiator for my experience as public school elected official. Contract neg. took 2 years. Management screamed at-, derided-, strangled-and "women raped" Gregg J- by pretty line women who I couldn't see in their part.

I designed the process for resulting win. We did not get a raise in pay much. Go figure. After, I felt sad and lifeless for working DT combined with other jobs, nursing a hidden emo event OTJ masking more disability. For a Small Business Platform: Welcome

"Mental Health Education and Coaching: about public policy successes, intellectual property holdings, and some independent living skills for clients. is fighting for receiving credit and income in leading ways in patented form. From examples in action, Jann Demystifying Affects can lead you to make a difference in yourself and the world around you!! Jann Demystifying Affects work is to 'Care with Ethics.' read world wide." ---- Story here & upcoming non-fiction book "Unrewarded, Unrecognized Consultant Improved the World and USA" by Gregg Jann.

Champions in News AND new

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The Big Mainstream is often flawed by choosing to not understand mental health issues in people. Women, most workers like to drop their loving ways into a statue of "no care" when the seemingly Vulnerable persons are in front of everyone gaining attention. Simone Biles and Britney Speers 1) holding onto mental H. adjustments, or 2) fighting the systems that are questionable in treatments, may occur to USA MH Peers in ways. Jann is OK influencing. Yet was spurned when as former supervisor, paid too low, ignored in his success, and couldn't afford a women life partner the whole time.

Include Disabled to Underserved Communities at SBA

The Small Business Administration is reconvening the Council on Under Served Communities. Biden-Harris Administration will help support the SBA in strengthening and improving its strategies to start and grow businesses. This among women, veterans, minority-owned businesses and/or businesses from low-to-moderate income or rural communities.

In my opinion and assayed needs, include disabled even MH consumer run. Create coaching for own Good Idea on Social Security Disability Insurance to grow from with guarantee. Permit SBOs to keep Medi/Medi,entitlements
