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Warning: ini_set(): Session save handler "user" cannot be set by ini_set() in include_once() (line 144 of /home1/janngreg/public_html/sites/default/settings.php).

Respected in Image and What is Meaningful

Blog topics: 
We need to listen to people we don't normally listen to. The facetiously termed "flat stomach competence" is rating intelligence and ability on a person's sharp communication that is clear, with fit body language, and carrying a crisp image. FSC is not respecting people by listening to how valuable the content of the message is. For both sides of the channels of communication, how do you overcome barriers of not looking competent in appearance and behavior, when the person being judged is making a worthwhile contribution to the momentary interaction or in a larger context?

Community Access Through Politics

Getting active in an altruistic cause or a movement of ideals is a good way to interact and meet people or in finding freedom of mental expression. Non- and bi- partisan thinking created my formula in public policy successes by stating the self help movement fits conservative philosophy in responsibility and work ethic. This is combined with educating people that mental health is a government spending program that requires understanding of what people we have are to the general public, which is what liberals are like.

Assisting Disabled People Find a Partner or Marriage

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Psychiatrically disabled people are often pleasant company in social interactions, with just a question-mark to close observers about their level of independence. The standards war debate of the "that" era of the singles scene in the 80s and early 90s highlighted the fact that many people in bars and elsewhere were striving for dishonorable or immoral singles behavior, and were also leaving out squares and all men and women who weren't perky or witty enough for quick, ready fun.

Teaching mental health

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Teaching mental health concepts and with some idea of a hopeful reality improves classroom student's emotional intelligence, life skills, and perhaps vocational outlook. Does classroom education on psychiatric disabilities affect the school's culture? Teachers, students, alumni, and professional counselors can tell us if mental disability instruction can assist the school's climate to be more positive and understanding or negative and less tolerant and encourage verbal harassment or worse.
